Asterisk osnovne funkcije i administracija¶
Pokretanje asteriska¶
Asterisk se pokreće na sljedeći način:
> asterisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
nakon što se pokrene dobijamo asterisk konzolu.
Asterisk konzola CLI¶
Nakon što smo uspješno pokrenuli asterisk dobijamo asterisk konzolu ili CLI, to otprilike izgleda ovako:
......... == Registered translator 'alawtoulaw' from format alaw to ulaw, cost 1 == Registered translator 'ulawtoalaw' from format ulaw to alaw, cost 1 => (A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder) == Registered custom function FIELDQTY == Registered custom function FILTER == Registered custom function REGEX == Registered custom function ARRAY == Registered custom function QUOTE == Registered custom function LEN == Registered custom function STRFTIME == Registered custom function STRPTIME == Registered custom function EVAL == Registered custom function KEYPADHASH == Registered custom function SPRINTF => (String handling dialplan functions) == Registered application 'SendImage' => (Image Transmission Application) == Registered file format wav49, extension(s) WAV|wav49 => (Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM)) == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/say.conf': Found == Registered application 'Playback' => (Sound File Playback Application) Asterisk Ready. *CLI>
i sada možemo zadavati neke komande.....
Da bi izlistali listu svih dostupnih komandi, upisujemo help i dobijamo:
........... skinny show devices List defined Skinny devices skinny show lines List defined Skinny lines per device sla show stations Show SLA Stations sla show trunks Show SLA Trunks soft hangup Request a hangup on a given channel stop gracefully Gracefully shut down Asterisk stop now Shut down Asterisk immediately stop when convenient Shut down Asterisk at empty call volume stun debug Enable STUN debugging stun debug off Disable STUN debugging transcoder show Display Zaptel transcoder utilization. udptl debug Enable UDPTL debugging udptl debug ip Enable UDPTL debugging on IP udptl debug off Disable UDPTL debugging voicemail show users List defined voicemail boxes voicemail show zones List zone message formats zap destroy channel Destroy a channel zap reset span Restart a zaptel span zap restart Fully restart zaptel channels zap show cadences List cadences zap show channels Show active zapata channels zap show channel Show information on a channel zap show status Show all Zaptel cards status *CLI>
Restart servisa¶
Postoje 2 restarta asterisk servisa
- restart now
- restart gracefully
ako u konzolu upišemo
restart nowrestartovat ćemo asterisk...
Osvježavanje conf fajlova nakon ispravke¶
Da bi nakon ispravke pojedinih conf fajlova napravili izmjene na asterisku postoji par komandi
- ael reload - ponovo učitava fajl extensions.ael nakon izmjena
- sip reload - ponovo učitava fajl sip.conf nakon izmjena
međutim neki od fajlova zahtjevaju da se skroz obori asterisk servis da bi se promjene odrazile, to su recimo
- features.conf
- voicemail.conf
- meetme.conf
- i slično....
za ove stvari jednostavno moramo oboriti asterisk server te ga ponovo pokrenuti.